Oven/Wave Performance Tracking Fixtures

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Smart Fixtures

KIC Smart Fixtures utilize state of the art sensor technology and built-in electronics, in support of measuring and tracking key machine parameters and your machine’s overall performance. A machine is set to a defined recipe and data is collected and compared to previous runs, and/or tracked and charted over time. The use of a PCB, or similar, for this task introduces additional variables and error into the equation – A PCB will break-down and start to lose mass after multiple runs; TC’s can break or come loose from the board; TC attachments can differ; etc. The use of a fixture eliminates these variables and gives a fixed, repeatable measurement of the machine performance. And, with a smart fixture, the whole process is reliable and easy.

KIC SRA – Smart Reflow Analyzer®

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The SRA – Smart Reflow Analyzer is the new all-in-one, Smart fixture for solder reflow ovens.

With a built-in data collection unit, it is a stand-alone device that provides you with machine related measurements for tracking the stability and repeatability of your oven.

KIC Wave Surfer

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Wave profiler fixture with optional process optimization software

The KIC® Wave Surfer™ is a self-contained system that provides critical data on wave solder machine set up and performance. Used in conjunction with your KIC profiler and KIC software, you can ensure your wave solder machine is set up and performing properly.